
软件形式化开发关键部件选取的水波优化方法 被引量:10

Selection of Key Software Components for Formal Development Using Water Wave Optimization
摘要 形式化方法有助于从根本上提高软件系统的质量与可靠性,但其开发成本往往过于高昂.一种折衷的办法是在软件系统中选取关键性部件进行形式化开发,但目前尚无非常有效的定量选择方法.将软件系统中的形式化开发关键部件选取建模为一个0-1约束规划问题,以便使用元启发式搜索方法对其进行优化求解.另外,针对该问题专门设计了一种离散水波优化(water wave optimization,简称WWO)算法.在一个大型软件系统上的应用验证了问题模型的有效性,同时证明了WWO算法相对于其他若干典型元启发式搜索方法的优越性. Formal methods contribute to the fundamental improvement of software quality and reliability, but this methodology is often very expensive. A compromise is to select and apply formal methods to only a subset of key components of the software system. However, currently there are few effective approaches for such selection process. This paper proposes a 0-1 constrained programming model for selecting key components for formal development, which enables the use of metaheuristic search methods to effectively solve the selection problem. The paper also designs a discrete water wave optimization(WWO) algorithm for the problem. The application to a large-scale software system validates the effectiveness of the proposed problem model, and demonstrates that the WWO algorithm outperforms some other typical metaheuristic search methods.
出处 《软件学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期933-942,共10页 Journal of Software
基金 国家自然科学基金(61020106009 61105073 61272075 61473263)~~
关键词 形式化方法 可靠度 元启发式搜索方法 水波优化算法 formal method reliability metaheuristic search method water wave optimization(WWO)
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