目的对深圳市龙岗区29家社区卫生服务中心医生的处方进行分析,为完善社区卫生服务中心的管理制度和加强用药行为提出建议。方法采用分层随机抽样方法,在龙岗区抽取一类(6家)、二类(15家)、三类(8家)共29家社区卫生服务中心,对2015年6月1日—14日70 165张医生处方进行定量分析。结果所有处方中,含针剂处方共10 951张,占总数的15.61%,私立医院的针剂费用比例(36.62%)为公立医院(6.95%)的6倍;针剂费用比例和单张处方费用在不同学历间和是否接受过全科培训间具有统计学差异(P<0.01)。结论私立医院的社区卫生服务中心处方费用高于公立医院;社区卫生服务中心医师的专业培训经历是影响单张处方费用的因素。
OBJECTIVE To direct doctors' prescription behavior and improve the essential medicine institution, it evaluated the rationality of drug use of community doctors working in community health centers in Longing district. METHODS Conducting document retrieval,quantitative analysis of 70 165 1prescriptions from June 1st to 14 th, 2015 sampled from 29 community health centers(6 in 1st Class, 15 in 2nd Class, 8 in 3rd Class) in Longgang District. RESULTS The amount of prescriptions including injection service was10 951, as 15.61% of total. The injection cost of total was 11.30%, which in private hospitals(36.62%)is 6 times than public hospitals(6.95%). The cost per priscription was significantly more in higher educated than lower ones(P〈0.01). CONCLUSION Discussion Doctors' education experience was able to affect their behavior of prescribing. The cost of prescription was much more in CMC held by private hospital than public hospital.
Chinese Primary Health Care
prescription analysis
community health center
drug use assessment