目的应用FQ-PCR法观察丙肝病毒RNA载量、抗-HCV、ALT异常之间相关性。方法整群选择该院2012年7月—2015年7月收治95例丙型肝炎病毒感染患者作为研究对象,分别进行抗-HCV抗体、丙氨酸转氨酶(ALT)检测,计算HCV-RNA阳性率、抗-HCV阳性率、ALT异常率。结果 95例患者中HCV-RNA阳性率为64.2%(61/95),抗-HCV阳性率为69.5%(66/95)。抗-HCV阳性率随HCV-RNA载量的增加而升高,二者呈正相关。95例患者中ALT异常率为50.5%(48/95),且异常率随HCV-RNA载量的增加而升高,二者呈正相关。结论 FQ-PCR法在丙型肝炎检测中的应用显示HCV-RNA载量与抗-HCV及ALT浓度之间均有明显相关,可作为重要检测手段应用于该病临床诊断及预后判断。
Objective To observe the correlation of hepatitis C virus RNA load and anti –HCV and ALT abnormal by FQPCR method. Methods 95 cases of patients with hepatitis C virus infection treated in our hospital from July 2012 to July2015 were selected and their anti-HCV antibodies and alanine aminotransferase(ALT) were detected and the HCV-RNA positive rate and ALT abnormal rate were counted. Results The HCV-RNA positive rate was 64.2%(61/95)and the anti –HCV positive rate was 69.5%(66/95)of the 95 cases of patients, the Anti-HCV positive rate increased with the increase of HCV-RNA load, the two was positively related, the ALT abnormal rate was 50.5%(48/95)and it increased with the increase of HCV-RNA load,, the two was positively related. Conclusion FQ-PCR method in the detection of hepatitis C shows that HCV-RNA load is obviously related to anti – HCV and ALT concentration, which can be used as an important detection method for the clinical diagnosis and prognosis judgment.
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