目的探讨间苯三酚联合利凡诺羊膜腔注射在中期引产中缩短产程,促进宫口扩张的作用。方法针对该院从2014年4月—2015年5月选择需要中期引产,孕周17~27周,无明显内科、外科合并症,同时表现出紧张焦虑情绪的初产妇和第一胎为未经试产行剖宫产的经产妇80例随机分为两组,每组40例。观察组在利凡诺羊膜腔注射36 h后开始出现规律宫缩时,静脉推注间苯三酚80 mg;对照组予以米非司酮联合米索药物引产方法。同时观察两组的产程,总产程时间,产后2 h的出血量、产妇用药后出现发烧、腹泻不良反应的程度以及产妇对疼痛的耐受程度。结果间苯三酚联合利凡诺引产组明显优于米非司酮联合米索药物引产组,在缩短产程,降低不良反应、缓解疼痛方面较单纯应用米非司酮联合米索药物引产组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论间苯三酚联合利凡诺羊膜腔注射引产在中期引产中,可明显缩短产程,明显缓解患者的疼痛以及用药的不良反应,降低中期引产子宫破裂的风险,对患者本身无不良影响。
Objective To observe the function of shortening laboring period and stimulating uterine cervix dilatation by amniotic cavity injection of phloroglucinol combined with acrirnol in the medium induction of labor. Methods 80 cases of primiparas with 17 ~27 gestational weeks, without obvious medicine and surgical complications, needing medium induction of labor and showing nervousness and anxiety at the same time and multiparas whose first child was without trial-production and receiving the cesarean section from April 2014 to May 2015 were selected and randomly divided into two groups with40 cases in each, the observation group were given intravenous injection of 80 mg phloroglucinol when the regular uterine contraction began to appear at 36 h after the amniotic cavity injection of acrirnol, the control group were treated with laborinducing method of mifepristone combined with misoprostol, at the same time, the duration of labor, duration of total labour course, blood loss at postpartum 2h, adverse reaction degree of fever and diarrhea after medication, tolerance degree of puerperas to pains of the two groups were observed. Results The curative effect in the phloroglucinol combined with acrirnol labor-inducing group was obviously better than that in the mifepristone combined with misoprostol labor-inducing group,there were obvious differences in shorting laboring period, decreasing adverse reactions and relieving pains compared with the mifepristone combined with misoprostol labor-inducing group with statistical significance,(P〈0.05). Conclusion Amniotic cavity injection of phloroglucinol combined with acrirnol in the medium induction of labor can obviously shorten laboring period, obviously relieve the patient's pains and the adverse reaction of medication, decrease the risk of hysterorrhexis in the medium induction of labor and has no adverse effect on the patients.
China & Foreign Medical Treatment
Medium induction of labor