采用影像拍摄与解析方法,获得16例国内外优秀女子运动员掷铁饼动作的运动学参数,应用函数型主成分分析、多元回归以及uncontrolled manifold方法从中识别针对掷铁饼动作4种运动任务的运动协调灵活性,进而揭示优秀掷铁饼运动员运动协调灵活性特征,实证当前的运动协调灵活性发展观,审视近来所推崇的运动变异性功能论。研究结果显示,(1)在掷铁饼动作全过程中,针对各运动任务时优秀女子运动员运动协调灵活性值均为正值,个别高达0.71;(2)在优秀女子运动员中,针对各运动任务时精英组在全过程中运动协调灵活性水平都高于普通组,个别差距高达0.5,这些差距在各运动阶段中的体现因运动任务不同而有所差异;(3)精英组较高的运动协调灵活性水平在腾空阶段中均源自其较高的功能性单位"有益"变异性,在第二单支撑或双支撑阶段中均源自其较低的功能性单位"有害"变异性。研究认为,针对掷铁饼动作重要运动任务的运动协调灵活性对优秀女子运动员该动作的实现及其水平的提升有促进作用,这主要源自对降低动作误差以及多任务最优化实现的需求。此外,当前的运动协调灵活性发展观并不完全适合于诠释优秀运动员群体体育专项技术动作中运动协调灵活性的发展表现。另外,从新视角支持运动变异性功能论,并诠释了其内涵。
The kinematics of 16 domestic and foreign excellent female discus thrower actions have been obtained by using video filming and analytic method, from which the flexibility of synergies (FOS) has been extracted by such methods as func- tional principal component analysis, multivariate regression, and uncontrolled manifold analysis. Then, the characteristics of flexibility of synergies in elite female discus thrower were discussed, and the current viewpoints of flexibility of synergies de- velopment and functionality of movement variability were testified. The results are : ( 1 ) the elite female discus thrower's FOS value of each important task in whole process of discus throwing is positive, the individual one is as high as 0. 71 ( 1 is the highest). (2) the elite group has much higher FOS of each important task in whole process of discus throwing comparing with general group, the difference of individual one is as high as 0. 5, and the difference between the two groups among each phase of discus throwing are associated with different tasks. (3) the elite group's high FOS of each important task in flight phase are the result of its high UCM variability, and in second single and double support phases are derived from its low ORT variability. The conclusion is that the FOS is used by CNS to ensure the implementation of those tasks of discus throwing, and in- crease with the development of its skill level, which is due to the needs of reducing the motion errors and better implementation of multi -task. Moreover, the current viewpoints of flexibility of synergies development is not completely suitable to account for it's display on sports skill of excellent athlete, and the functionality of movement variability has been supported and explained.
Journal of Xi'an Physical Education University