

On Selection of Marxist Classical Texts and College Students' Political Identification
摘要 马克思主义经典文本有助于深化理论认知,提升政治理论素养;提升思维深度,增强政治辨别力;强化理想信念,坚定政治信仰。大学生政治认同视域下经典文本的选取应着力于展现文本中马克思主义经典作家的人格魅力;呈现文本中马克思主义的基本立场、观点和方法;凸显文本中社会主义制度的发展前景;体现文本中马克思主义主流意识形态的合法性。由于马克思主义经典文本的理论性和思辨性较强,因此要注重经典文本的本真阐释、凸显经典文本的现实视域、做好经典文本的创造转换、拓展经典文本的传播渠道,不断增进大学生的政治认同。 Marxist classical texts will contribute to the thorough theory cognition, the political theoretical qual- ity and the thinking improved, the political discriminability reinforced, the ideal and faith strengthened and the political belief confirmed. From the college students' political identification perspective, the selection of classical texts should focus on showing the personal charm of Marxist classical writers, presenting Marxist basic stand- points, viewpoints and methods, highlighting the development prospect of the socialist system, reflecting the va- lidity of the mainstream ideology of Marxism. Marxist classical texts have both powerful theoretical property and critical thinking; therefore, the candid interpretation of them should be attached importance to and the realistic ken of the classic text highlighted. The creative interpretation of the classical texts should be well done so as to expand their channels of communication, and improve college students' political identification.
作者 陈艳飞
出处 《杭州电子科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第1期29-33,38,共6页 Journal of Hangzhou Dianzi University:Social Sciences
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究专项任务(13JD710057)
关键词 马克思主义经典文本 大学生 政治认同 Marxist classical texts college students political identification
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