Two new supramolecular architectures {(HC2O4)2^2- [C6H(18)N2^2+ C(36)H(36)N(24)O(12)]} 12H2O(1) and{(C6H5SO3)22 [C6H(18)N22+ C(36)H(36)N(24)O(12)]} 12H2O(2) were synthesized and characterized by singlecrystal X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis and X-ray powder diffraction. Compound 1contains infinite two dimensional(2D) L18(8)14(8)8(4) type anion–water aggregates [(HC2O4)4(H2O)(22)]^4- and results in the construction of sandwich-like three dimensional(3D) networks. In compound 2, honeycomb-like three dimensional(3D) networks are fabricated by one dimensional(1D)"W"-like T5(0)A2 type anion–water clusters [(C6H5SO3)(H2O)6]^-. These results indicate that anionic groups play a crucial role in modulating the structures of water clusters with their spatial structure and binding sites. In these two structures, the majority of interactions are O...H and H...H interactions on the Hirshfeld surface, which means that hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interactions are the dominate drive forces in forming these supramolecular systems.
Two new supramolecular architectures {(HC2O4)2^2- [C6H(18)N2^2+ C(36)H(36)N(24)O(12)]} 12H2O(1) and{(C6H5SO3)22 [C6H(18)N22+ C(36)H(36)N(24)O(12)]} 12H2O(2) were synthesized and characterized by singlecrystal X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis and X-ray powder diffraction. Compound 1contains infinite two dimensional(2D) L18(8)14(8)8(4) type anion–water aggregates [(HC2O4)4(H2O)(22)]^4- and results in the construction of sandwich-like three dimensional(3D) networks. In compound 2, honeycomb-like three dimensional(3D) networks are fabricated by one dimensional(1D)"W"-like T5(0)A2 type anion–water clusters [(C6H5SO3)(H2O)6]^-. These results indicate that anionic groups play a crucial role in modulating the structures of water clusters with their spatial structure and binding sites. In these two structures, the majority of interactions are O...H and H...H interactions on the Hirshfeld surface, which means that hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interactions are the dominate drive forces in forming these supramolecular systems.
the financial support by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.21202037and 21401044)
Doctor Fund of Henan University of Technology(No.2013BS066)