
欧盟中亚政策的演变、特征与趋向 被引量:9

Evolution, Characteristics and Tendency of EU's Policy towards Central Asia
摘要 冷战结束后很长一段时间里,欧盟作为重要的国际力量没有出台明确的中亚战略,也并非中亚事务的积极参与者,直到2007年首份系统的中亚战略文件出台后这一情况才出现改变。从阶段上划分,欧盟中亚政策大体分为1991—2006年的认知探索期、2007—2013年的集中强化期以及2014年以来的调整提升期。从核心特征来看,欧盟中亚政策的主要实现手段是援助外交,主要目的是价值输出和利益共享,但援助工具在不同时期、对不同国家有所差别。经过20余年的发展,欧盟在中亚地区形成了一定的影响,援助政策取得了一定的效果,诸多领域的合作机制相继确立,但总体影响有限,仍然属于相关者的次要行为体。未来较长一段时期,欧盟中亚政策的调整空间不大,仍将在现有援助框架内发展与中亚国家关系。 For a long time after the end of Cold War, EU as an important international force did not unveil definite strategy on Central Asia or take an active part in the Central Asia affairs. Such condition did not change until the first document of systematic strategy on Central Asia was released. Divided in stages, EU's policy towards Central Asia is generally divided into the cognition exploration stage during 1991-2006, concentrated consolidation stage during 2007-2013 and adjustment and improvement stage after 2014. Seen from the core characteristics, the main implementation means of EU's policy towards Central Asia is aid diplomacy, the major objective is value output and interest sharing, but the aid tools are different in different periods and for different countries. After over 20 years of development, EU has formed certain influence in the Central Asia area, the aid policy achieved certain effects, and the cooperation mechanism is established in many fields in succession, but the overall influence is limited and it still belongs to the minor behavior of relevant parties. For a long period in the future, the space of adjustment in EU's policy towards Central Asia is not large, but it will develop the relationship with central Asian countries in the existing aid frame.
作者 徐刚
出处 《俄罗斯学刊》 2016年第2期17-28,共12页 Academic Journal of Russian Studies
关键词 欧盟中亚政策 援助外交 发展合作工具 俄罗斯 EU's policy towards Central Asia aid diplomacy development of tools for cooperation Russia
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