
牡丹江地区香花槐引种适应性研究 被引量:1

Study on Adaptability of Robinia pseudoacacia cv. idaho in Mudanjiang Area
摘要 对普兰店和集安市引入香花槐萌生苗生物学特性和光合特性进行研究的结果表明:牡丹江地区引种香花槐能够正常生长并开花,萌生苗生长性状与种源无关,与根部年龄及根部保存状况有关;在香花槐速生期,胞间CO2浓度是影响香花槐光合速率的主导因子,光照强度过强会对生长产生一定的抑制作用,因此,应加强水肥管理并适量遮荫。 This paper introduced the breeding materials of Robinia ambigua idahoensis from the Pulandian and Ji'an city, and studied in-depth the biological characteristics and photosynthetic characteristics of seedling sprout. The results showed that they can normal growth and flowering of the introduction of the Mudanjiang area, the seedling growth traits was not provenance with initiation, but relating to the age and the preservation of the root. In the fast-growing period, the intercellular CO2 concentration was the dominant factor affecting the photosynthetic rate of R. ambigua idahoensis, the light intensity was too strong to inhibit the growth of a point. So we should strengthen the management of water and fertilizer and the amount of shading.
出处 《林业科技》 2016年第2期32-35,共4页 Forestry Science & Technology
基金 2015年黑龙江省财政厅支持项目
关键词 香花槐 引种 光合特性 Robinia pseudoacacia cv idaho Introduction Photosynthetic characteristics
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