议程设置理论是传播学和新闻学领域的一个核心概念。本文拟对国际议程设置理论研究现状运用信息可视化工具做一个清晰的描绘。笔者以"Agenda Setting"为检索词,在SCI和SSCI中联合检索到1972-2015年期间共计1835篇文献,24578条引文文献。通过利用CITESPACE可视化软件,对这些数据进行引文分析、聚类分析、多维尺度分析、社会网络分析,绘制了议程设置理论前沿与演化的可视化图谱,反映出国际议程设置理论的发展趋势和重要人物,展现了国际议程设置理论的知识结构关系与演进规律。研究发现,国外议程设置理论研究经过40年的发展,形成了以Mccombs和Shaw DL为核心、以Baumgartner FR、Doris A.Graber和G.RAY Funkhouser等为代表的4个高影响力作者群体。
'Agenda Setting' is a classic concept in the field of Communication Studies and Journalism. In this paper, the authors try to use visualizing tools to clearly show agenda setting research field. The authors selected 'Agenda Setting' as search words, then 1153 records of articles and 24578 citation references from 1970-2012 were retrieved from SCI-Expanded and SSCI in Web of Science. Then, the authors studied the dataset with Citation Analysis, Cluster Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling, Social network analysis and knowledge maps in the agenda setting field. The visualization software CITESPACE was used. The visualizing map can reflect development trends, find the pivotal people and work in the agenda setting research field and exhibit the relation between knowledge structure and evolution process. The study found that the agenda-setting studies has formed four main mapping sciences represented by Mccombs,Shaw DL,Baumgartner FR、Doris A. Graber and G. RAY Funkhouser through 40 years development.
Science and Management