
医学留学生肾科见习带教探讨 被引量:6

Discussion on Clinical Teaching of International Students in Department of Nephrology
摘要 首都医科大学于2006年成立国际学院,致力于海外留学生的国际化教育,以适应教育日益国际化的需求。国际留学生由于来自不同国家,英语口语水平存在较大差异,中文口语交流均存在较大障碍,且带教教师英语口语交流普遍不够流畅,在留学生的肾内科全英文见习带教过程中,以PBL教学方法为主,根据留学生的语言、文化特点及学习思维方式制定见习计划,选择中文口语好的1-2个学生进行主问诊,并作为患者与其他学生之间交流的翻译,带教教师负责提示、补充并纠正查体手法,最后带领学生进行讨论及总结。主要教学目的为通过互动式教学方法,激发留学生的学习兴趣和主观能动性,同时带教教师不断加强自身英语口语水平,旨在培养高素质的国际型临床医学人才。但由于留学生与带教教师及患者之间交流存在一定障碍,且个别学生临床学习缺乏主动性,均不利于达到最佳教学效果。 The international college of Capital Medical University was established in 2006 to meet the needs of internationalization of education. However, international students differ greatly in level of spoken English, and have obstacles in Chinese oral communications, since they are from different countries, while teachers are generally not affluent in spoken English. In the process of teaching international students on probation for nephrology in English,PBL teaching mode is mainly adopted, probation plans are set up according to the linguistic and cultural characteristics and learning and thinking mode of the overseas students, one or two students with good spoken Chinese are selected as the main inquirers in charge of translating the communications between the patients and other students, and teachers are responsible for reminding, supplementing and physical examination techniques,and leading students for discussion and summarization. The main purpose of the teaching is to stimulate the overseas students' interests and initiatives, as well as the teachers' increasing improvement in spoken English, through the interactive teaching method, with the prospect of nurturing high-quality international clinical medical talents. But because the international students have the communication barriers between teachers and patients and few students can't get the best teaching efficiency due to their lack of learning initiative.
出处 《中国病案》 2016年第4期77-79,共3页 Chinese Medical Record
关键词 留学生 临床见习 肾脏病 PBL International student Clinical teaching Kidney disease PBL
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