胆管十二指肠瘘并发胆石性肠梗阻(gallstone ileus,GI)是GI的一种少见类型,该病例同时出现两处胆石梗阻肠道,临床甚少见.早期诊断和及时恰当的手术治疗有助于降低术后并发症发生率和死亡率.CT有助于早期确诊,腹腔镜辅助手术治疗有利于手术方案的优化和患者的早期恢复.通过对本病例的探讨和文献回顾,以提高对GI的临床诊治认识.
Gallstone ileus(GI) with choledochoduodenal fistulas and multiple sites of intestinal obstruction are uncommon. Early diagnosis and appropriate surgery are crucial to reduce morbidity and mortality of GI. Computed tomography plays an important role in making early, accurate diagnosis, and laparoscopy-assisted surgery is helpful to optimizing surgical treatment and early recovery. This paper presents such a case and performed a literature review to improve the awareness of the approach for the management of GI.
World Chinese Journal of Digestology