1See Warren F. Schwartz, "An Overview of the Economics of Antitrust Enforcement", 68 Geo. L. J. (1979-1980), pp.1082-1083.
2Roger J. Van den Bergh, Peter D. Camesasca, (eds.), European Competition Law and Economics: A omparative Perspective, Inter- sentia nv, 2001, pp.307.
3See John M. Connor, Robert H. Lande, "Cartel Overcharge and Optimal Cartel Fines", in 3 Issues in Competition Law and Policy 2203 (ABA Section of Antitrust Law 2008), pp.2215.
4See John M. Connor, Yuliya Bolotova, "Cartel Overcharges: Survey and Meta-Analysis", International Journal of Industrial Organi- zation 24.6(2006), pp.1134.
5See John M. Connor,C. Gustav Helmers, "Statistics on Modern Private International Cartels", AAI Working Paper No. 07-01, pp.38.
6See Florian Smuda, "Cartel Overcharges and the Deterrent Effect of EU Competition Law",Journal of Competition Law & Eco- nomics, 10( 1 ) ,2013 ,pp.85.
8Roger J. Van den Bergh, Peter D. Camesasca, European Competition Law and Economics: A omparative Perspective, (eds.), Inter- sentia nv, 2001, pp.315-316.
9See Catherine Craycraft, Joseph L. Craycraft, Joseph C, Gallo, "Antitrust Sanctions and a Firm's Ability to Pay", Review of In- dustrial Organization 12, 1997, pp.181-182.
10Joaquln Almunia, Janusz Lewandowski, "Information Note of Inability to pay under paragraph 35 of the 2006 Fining Guidelines and payment conditions pre- and post-decision finding an infringement and imposing fines", SEC(2010) 737/2, Brussel, 12 June 2010.