This paper reports the results of phage typing of 160 EIEC strains obtained from diarrheal patients and healthy people by the methods of He Xiaoqin. It showed that 95. 6% of the strains (153 steains) could be divided into 17 phage types, 4. 4% (7 strains) couldn't be typed. Among all strains, 66. 7% (107 strains) were distributed to the three phage types of 2/4, 6/2, 6/6. 76 out of 80 strains of EIEC from diarrheal patients' fecal samples could be typed to 9 phage types respectively. 78. 8% (63 strains) were distributed to the three phage types of 2/4, 6/2, 6/6. 77 out of 80 EIEC strains from healthy people could be typed to 17 phage types, 48. 8% (39 strains) were distributed to two phage types of 6/2, 6/6. Other phage types were found seldom and dispersedly.
Chinese Journal of Zoonoses