
20~35kg道赛特×小尾寒羊杂交母羔的铜、铁、锰、锌生长需要量 被引量:1

Growth requirements of copper, iron, manganese and zinc for Dorset and Thin-Tailed Han crossbred female lambs at 20 to 35 kg
摘要 试验旨在研究20~35 kg道寒杂交母羔铜、铁、锰、锌的生长需要量。选取18只初始体重为19 kg的道寒杂交母羔作为试验对象,分为3组,第一组在体重达到20 kg时屠宰,另外两组在体重分别达到28、35 kg时屠宰。测定动物体组织器官的铜、铁、锰、锌含量,建立数学模型对矿物质需要量进行预测。通过对数异速生长方程计算羔羊体内矿物质含量与空腹体重(EBW)之间的相关关系,结果显示,它们具有较高的相关性(0.705~0.909);铜、铁、锰、锌净生长需要量(NRG)预测公式分别为NRG_(Cu)=0.329×EBW^(0.998)、NRG_(Fe)=106.659×EBW^(0.049)、NRG_(Mn)=0.807×EBW^(-0.092)、NRG_(Zn)=12.768×EBW^(0.197)。由此可得,道寒杂交母羔在20~35 kg阶段,以空腹体增重(EBW)表示,铜、铁、锰、锌的NRG分别为5.51~10.63 mg/kg EBW、55.40~62.70 mg/kg EBW、0.91~1.12 mg/kg EBW、22.29~25.38 mg/kg EBW;以体增重(BWG)表示,分别为4.63~9.84 mg/kg BWG、51.29~52.50 mg/kg BWG、0.84~0.94 mg/kg BWG、18.73~23.50 mg/kg BWG。 This study was conducted to estimate the net growth requirements of copper, iron, manga-nese and zinc for Dorset and Thin- Tailed Han crossbred female lambs at 20 to 35 kg. Eighteenlambs with initial body weight of 19 kg were used in this experiment, divided into 3 groups, the firstgroup was slaughtered at the weight of 20 kg, and the other groups were slaughtered at 28 kg and 35 kg.The contents of copper, iron, manganese and zinc in tissues and organs were determined and mathe-matical models for predicting mineral requirements were established. Logarithmizedallometric equa-tions were used to calculate the relationships between tracemineral quantities and empty bodyweights(EBW). The results showed that at the body weight of lambs form 20 to 35 kg, they werehighly correlated(R2=0.71 to 0.91), and the equations for predicting net growth requirement(NRG) ofminerals were: NRG_(Cu)=0.329 × EBW-(0.998), NRG_(Fe)=106.659 × EBW-(0.049), NRG_(Mn)=0.807 × EBW-(- 0.092), NRG_(Zn)=12.768×EBW-(0.197). It is calculated that the Dorset and Thin-Tailed Han Crossbred Female Lambs at20 to 35 kg, the NRG of Copper, Iron, Manganese and Zinc expressed as empty body weight gain(EBG) were 5.51-10.63 g/kg EBW, 55.40-62.70 g/kg EBW, 0.91-1.12 g/kg EBW, 22.29-25.38 g/kgEBW, and expressed as body weight gain(BWG) were 4.63-9.84 mg/kg BWG, 51.29-52.50 mg/kg BWG, 0.84-0.94 mg/kg BWG,18.73-23.50 mg/kg BWG.
出处 《饲料工业》 北大核心 2016年第7期41-44,共4页 Feed Industry
基金 国家肉羊产业技术体系[CARS-39]
关键词 羔羊 矿物质 需要量 比较屠宰 lamb minerals requirement comparative slaughter
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