
基于Fairclough三维分析模式的门诊医患会话批评性研究 被引量:7

Critical Discourse Analysis of Doctor-patient Interaction Based on Fairclough's Three-dimensional Model
摘要 批评性话语分析关注社会中的不平等现象,揭示语言背后隐藏的权力和意识形态。Fairclough的三维分析模式是在系统功能语言学的基础上提出的批评性话语分析理论范式,具有较强的操作性。本文运用Fairclough的三维分析模式,从词汇、语法和语篇三个层面对门诊医患会话的语言特征进行研究,发现医生和患者的语言在称呼语、医学术语、问句、情态系统、会话结构及言语打断等六个方面呈现出不对称性,证实了医患之间语言的不对称是由二者之间的对位不对称造成的。 Critical discourse analysis focuses on social inequality and attempts to uncover the power and ideology in language. Based on systematic functional linguistics, Fairelough's three-dimensional model is an efficient theoretical paradigm of critical discourse analysis. This paper applies Fairclough's three-dimensional model to analyze of the doctor- patient interaction and finds asymmetry between doctors and patients in six aspects, including address terms, medical terms, questions, mood system, conversation structure and interruption, which verifies that the asymmetrical language is caused by the asymmetrical power between them.
作者 胡燕 董方莉
出处 《医学与哲学(B)》 2016年第3期86-89,共4页 Medicine & Philosophy(B)
基金 2013年度北京市支持中央高校共建项目--青年英才计划 项目编号:2050205201302
关键词 批评性话语分析 三维分析模式 医患会话 权势 critical discourse analysis, three-dimensional model, doctor-patient interaction, power
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