
从文化主义到结构主义马克思主义——伯明翰学派早期理论路径转向探微 被引量:2

From Culturlism to Structural Marxism:Studies on Birmingham School Early Theoretical Path
摘要 在"葛兰西转向"前,伯明翰学派的学术路径经历了一个由文化主义到结构主义马克思主义的变迁:一是研究视角从经验转向结构;二是逻辑框架由文学社会学为主转向理论化的哲学;三是操作方上从民族志与文学批评相结合转向结构主义的症候式阅读方法。上述变迁不仅缘于学派的自主选择,更是英国两代新左派围绕马克思主义与英国传统如何结合而展开的相关辩论的产物。伯明翰学派早期理论路径转换的成就与不足,可以为当代中国大众文化研究提供某些有益的借鉴和启示。 Birmingham school's academic path experienced the Culturalism to Structural Marxism before turn to Gramsci. The first one is the angle of view from the experience to the Structuralism,the second one is the logical framework from the literary and the sociology to the theory of Philosophy,the third one is the method of operation from the ethnographic method and literary criticism to the structural principle of the reading method. The reason for this change not only be attributed to the choice of the school,but also because of the debate of the two generation of the New Left about how to combine Marxism and the British tradition. In the replacement of the two dominant theories,the problem and the achievements of school can provide some references for contemporary China cultural research.
作者 周世兴 韩昀
出处 《南京社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期40-47,共8页 Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences
基金 国家社科基金项目"多重视域中的马克思艺术生产理论研究"(13EA136)的阶段性成果
关键词 伯明翰学派 文化研究 文化主义 结构主义马克思主义 Birmingham school cultural studies culturalism structural Marxism
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