
从艺术社会史到艺术社会学——阿诺德·豪泽尔学术思想述评 被引量:5

From Social History of Art to Sociology of Art:Comments on the Academic Thoughts of Hauser Arnold
摘要 20世纪中叶,西方艺术史研究领域发生了一场重要变革,集中体现在社会学研究方法逐步为艺术史研究者所采用,开始把艺术作为一种社会现象加以研究,阐释艺术作品如何与产生它的社会发生关系,艺术家与观者所属的社会阶层对艺术风格的影响,以及社会结构与艺术发展之间的关联等。这场变革在很大程度上改变了现代艺术史的研究面貌,而这个时期推动变革的核心人物,是英国著名匈牙利籍艺术史家阿诺德·豪泽尔。豪泽尔不仅促进了艺术史研究视角的多元化,也使其自身的理论体系得以完善,最终成为艺术社会学真正意义上的奠基人。 In the middle of 20th century,a significant reform occurred in the field of research on western art history. The centralized reflection was that research method of Sociology was gradually accepted by researchers in the history of art. The researchers began to study art as a social phenomenon,to explain how the art works interact with the society in which they produced,to illustrate the influence of social class artists and audiences on the artistic style,and to reveal the correlation between social structure and art development. This reform greatly changed the status of research on modern art history. In that period,the core character of the reform was Arnold Hauser,a famous British Hungarian art historian. Hauser not only promoted the diversification of the perspective of art history research,but consummated the theoretical system of his own,and eventually became the founder of Sociology of Art in the strictest sense.
作者 范丽甍
出处 《南京社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期120-126,共7页 Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences
关键词 豪泽尔 艺术社会史 艺术社会学 Hauser social history of Art sociology of Art
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  • 5《艺术与文学的社会史》.
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  • 5Arnold Hauser, "Variationen tiber das tertium datur bei Georg Luk~tcs", in. Im GesprOch mit Georg Luk6cs, Mtinchen. C. H. Beck, 1978, S.87-90, S.90, S.81.
  • 6Michael R. Orwicz, "Critical Discourse in the Formation of a Social History of Art. Anglo-American Response to Arnold Hauser," in. Oxford Art Journal, 1985 [8.2], pp.52-57.
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  • 10Arnold Hauser, Der Manierismus . Die Krise der Renaissance und der Ursprung der modernen Kunst, Miinchen. C. H. Beck, 1964, S.436-438.











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