

An Empirical Study of Mood Impact on Service Brand Equity:Taking Clothing Exclusive Shop as an Example
摘要 以服装专卖店为调查领域就情调体验对服务品牌资产之影响作用展开了实证研究,最后得出:品牌的情调体验对品牌关系(也就是品牌和消费者的关系)、服务品牌忠诚的影响作用正向而且显著;品牌关系、服务品牌忠诚对服务品牌资产的影响作用亦正向而且显著。本实证研究的研究结论一方面阐释了情调体验对服务品牌资产之影响机制,另一方面为服务企业的品牌活化提供了实证支持与管理启示。 On the basis of clothing exclusive shop,an empirical study has been made to explore the influencing mechanism of mood experience on service brand equity.This study shows that brand mood experience has immediate positive impact on brand relationship(namely relationship between brand and consumer) or service brand loyalty and service brand equity which not only reveals the influencing mechanism of mood experience on service brand equity,but also provides empirical support and managerial implications for the service company to revitalize its brand.
作者 温韬
出处 《大连大学学报》 2016年第1期90-94,共5页 Journal of Dalian University
基金 2013年辽宁省教育厅科学技术研究项目(L2013486)
关键词 服装专卖店 情调体验 服务品牌资产 品牌活化 clothing exclusive shop mood experience service brand equity brand revitalization
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