
北京市基本药物可及性评价研究 被引量:9

Analysis of accessibility of essential medicine in Beijing
摘要 目的:从可获得性、价格水平和可负担性的角度评价北京市基本药物的可及性。方法:根据北京市2013年糖尿病领域社保抽样处方数据,并结合4家基层医疗卫生机构处方数据和实地调研,通过基本药物配备率、中位价格比(Median pricerate,MPR)、致贫率等指标进行可及性评价。结果:21种样本药品中,尼群地平、硫酸镁、硝普钠、哌唑嗪、酚妥拉明和格列本脲6种药品的配备率不足15%;9个样本药品的MPR值为1.3~27.4;高血压、高血脂和糖尿病在城镇的致贫率为0.44%~0.70%,在农村的致贫率为1.17%~1.88%。结论:北京市部分基本药物配备率极低,基本药物价格水平偏高,基本药物的致贫人口数不容小视。建议:加强对基本药物可及性的监测,并出台相应配套政策。 Objectives: To evaluate essential medicines accessibility from the availability, drug price level and affordability perspective in Beijing. Methods: Data was collected from a sample of a Beijing social security database on diabetes in 2013 and a field research on 4 primary heahhcare institutions. The essential medicine equipping rate, medium price ratio (MPR) and poverty-inducing effect were selected as accessibility indicators. Results: Among 21 sample drugs, the nitrendipine, magnesium sulfate, sodium nitroprusside, prazosin, phentolamine and glyburide e- quipping rates are less than 15%. The 9 sample drugs MPR varied from 1.3 to 27.4. The hypertension, hyper- lipemia and diabete poverty-inducing rate varied from 0.44% to 0.70% in urban areas, and varied from 1.17% to 1.88% in rural areas. Conclusion: Some essential medicines in Beijing are equipped with a very low rate, but have a high price level, and the poverty-inducing population is large. We recommend strengthening the monitoring of es- sential medicines accessibility and introducing appropriate supporting policies.
出处 《中国卫生政策研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期52-58,共7页 Chinese Journal of Health Policy
基金 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(71303011) 国家卫生计生委药政司委托项目
关键词 基本药物 可及性 可获得性 药品价格 可负担性 Essential medicine Accessibility Availability Drug price Affordability
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