从内隐社会认知视角探讨摔跤运动员对摔跤竞赛中红色队服效应的认知态度.36名摔跤运动员与38名普通大学生参与该研究,采用传统内隐认知测量方法 IAT测验,概念维度材料为图片材料(两名摔跤运动员比赛情景),属性维度为文字材料(攻击性词汇与非攻击性词汇).结果表明,普通大学生与摔跤运动员对着红色队服图片+攻击性词汇的平均反应时显著低于着红色队服运动员+非攻击性词汇;在相容任务联结上,普通大学生平均反应时显著低于摔跤运动员;在不相容任务联结上,普通大学生与摔跤运动员不存在差异.无论是普通大学生,还是专业运动员均存在认为红色更具攻击性的内隐认知态度.
The present study explored wrestlers' cognitive attitude on the red uniform from the perspective of implicit social cognition. 36 college wrestlers and 38 normal college students participated in the study. Implicit Association Test (IAT) was used to measure participants' implicit cognitive attitude on the uniform color of athletes. Material of IAT includes concept dimension and attribution dimension. The present study used competition pictures as concept dimension material, and used character as attribution dimension material. The results showed that both wrestlers and college students' average reaction time to the picture of athlete with red uniform + aggressive words was significantly shorter than the picture of athlete with red uniform + non- aggressive words. In the compatible task, wrestlers' average reaction time is significantly shorter than college students. In the incompatible task, wrestlers' reaction time is significantly longer than college students, but there is no significant difference. The study meant that both wrestlers and college students have the implicit attitude that color red is more aggressive.
Journal of Anhui Normal University(Natural Science)