

Alfred Landé and the relations between Max Born and Alfred Landé
摘要 朗德是20世纪很有作为的一位理论物理学家.在他的科学生涯中多次蒙玻恩欣赏、关照与提携.在玻恩因纳粹迫害失业时期,朗德曾竭力设法要帮助玻恩.玻恩对朗德的关照是他惜才爱才的一个特例.朗德学有所成则证明玻恩是有眼力的伯乐.玻恩与朗德都谦逊做人而醉心于研究事业.发生在二人之间的感人故事说明,一流的物理学家也是有血有肉的人.无论做人做事,玻恩与朗德都堪称物理界的楷模. Alfred Landé was a good achiever as a theory physicists in 20 thcentury. In his scientific career,many times he was appreciated,helped and nurtured by Max Born. When Born was persecuted by the Nazis and lost his job,Landé did his best to help Born. What Born did to Landé was a special example of the things whichBorn did for scientific talents. That Landé learned something and did some excellent research works proved Born was a good developer. Born and Landé were modest men,and all wrapped up in their research works. The moving stories between them shown they were full of flesh and blood. Whether being a good man or doing things,they were the great example in the world of physics.
作者 厚宇德
出处 《大学物理》 北大核心 2016年第3期56-60,共5页 College Physics
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(11375050)资助
关键词 朗德 玻恩 朗德因子 Alfred Landé Max Born Landé g-factor
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