The deformation behavior of BMC, machining in difference cutting depth were investigated using SEMand cutting force measurement system. Then new fracture and shear band information extraction method based onindependent component analysis (ICA) and fast Fourier transform (FFT) were used to analyze the original forcesignals. The main cutting force signals were extracted from the original signals by ICA method. The energy spec-trum of those main signals is processed by FFT. The analysis results show that the high frequency contents of cut-ting force increasing with the cutting depth. The fracture and shear band generation behavior in BMG chip resultin strong high frequency cutting force signals and the high frequency contents of cutting force increasing with thecutting depth. Besides, the frequency of Fz is 115 Hz and its amplitude also increases with the increasing ofdepth.
The deformation behavior of BMG machining in difference cutting depth were investigated using SEM and cutting force measurement system. Then new fracture and shear band information extraction method based on independent component analysis( ICA) and fast Fourier transform( FFT) were used to analyze the original force signals. The main cutting force signals were extracted from the original signals by ICA method. The energy spectrum of those main signals is processed by FFT. The analysis results show that the high frequency contents of cutting force increasing with the cutting depth. The fracture and shear band generation behavior in BMG chip result in strong high frequency cutting force signals and the high frequency contents of cutting force increasing with the cutting depth. Besides,the frequency of Fzis 115 Hz and its amplitude also increases with the increasing of depth.
Machine Tool & Hydraulics
supported by Hubeil Natural Science Foundation,P. R. China ( No2014CFB637)