
矿产资源开发的重金属污染分布特征研究--以雅砻江流域某铜矿区为例 被引量:7

The Distribution Characteristics of Metal Pollution Generated by Mineral Resource Exploitation——Illustrated by a Copper Mine Region in Yalong River Basin
摘要 矿产资源开发会对周围的水系和土壤产生不同程度的重金属污染。以某铜矿为例,实地采集水系和土壤样品,获取Cu的含量,结合GIS和遥感技术提取矿区高程、坡度、与矿点欧氏距离、汇流量等环境因子,并分析这些因素与Cu元素含量的分布规律:水系有降解作用,水系中Cu元素更容易富集在离采矿点距离较近、地势较高、地形较为陡峭、汇流量较小的水系上游。土壤中Cu元素更容易富集在地势较低、地形较为缓和的水系下游沿岸。总结出金属元素的分布规律及迁移规律,为同类型污染分布研究提供借鉴,使得采集研究数据更具针对性,同时为矿产资源合理开发利用提供决策依据。 Mineral resources exploitation could make heavy metal pollution on water and soil. This paper took a copper mine in Yalong river basin in Jiulong as study area. The trend of copper concentration,DEM,slope,Euclidean distance and accumulation were obtained by sampling and GIS,then the distribution characteristics of copper were concluded as follows. Stream had the ability of degradation and dilution,and thus copper content was enriched at upstream,which was in high terrain area and close to mine point. However,the Cu content in soil was enriched at downstream,which was in low terrain area and gentle slope. According to these rules,it was easier to evaluate the pollution degree of other similar mining area with fewer but more pointed data. Meanwhile,it also provided rational decision- making basis for mineral resource exploitation.
出处 《矿产保护与利用》 北大核心 2016年第1期56-63,共8页 Conservation and Utilization of Mineral Resources
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(40972225,41101174) 四川省教育厅科研项目(14ZB0434) 四川建筑职业技术学院科研项目(20140102)联合资助
关键词 矿产资源开发 地球化学 GIS 空间分布特征 mineral resource exploitation geochemistry GIS spatial distribution characteristics
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