
日韩共同开发东海大陆架案及其对中国的启示 被引量:2

Japan and Korean Offshore Joint Development in Continent Shelf in the East China Sea and Its Inspirations for China
摘要 日本——韩国共同开发东海大陆架案是继1969年北海大陆架案后,在争议地区进行共同开发的第一案。日韩东海大陆架油气争端产生于两国经济高速发展的20世纪70年代初,东海具有广阔石油前景的预测推动了两国在重叠区域勘探和开采石油的活动。日韩共同开发从谈判到协定生效这个过程中受一系列因素的影响。日韩共同开发协定是一份全面而务实的法律文件,规定了共同开发区域、联合委员会、特许权人确定方式、法律适用、争端解决等内容。虽然经过两轮开发,并未发现有商业价值的油气资源,但是该案也对中国与邻国进行共同开发具有借鉴意义。 Japan and Republic of Korea's offshore joint development is the first joint development case in the disputed sea area since the North Sea Continental shelf cases in 1969.Although there is no substantial progress,yet it provides experience and lessons for China.Japan and Republic of Korea's oil and gas dispute in the East China Sea continent shelf arose in the burgeoning economic development in the early1970 s.The prediction that the East China Sea had a broad prospect of oil promoted the two countries' exploration and exploitation activities in the overlapping area.During the progress from the negotiations to the effect of agreement,a number of factors exerted influences on it.The agreement between Japan and Republic of Korea's joint development in continent shelf is a comprehensive and practical legal document,in which provides for joint development zone,joint authority,concessionaire and operator,application laws,dispute settlement and so on.Even there is no commercial oil and gas resources found in the zone after two rounds of exploration and exploitation,this case gives some inspirations for China to propel joint development with neighboring countries.
作者 邓妮雅
出处 《中国海洋大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2016年第2期65-73,共9页 Journal of Ocean University of China(Social Sciences)
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目"海上共同开发国际案例与实践研究"(13JZD039)
关键词 东海大陆架 共同开发 影响因素 法律框架 对策与启示 continent shelf in the East China Sea joint development influential factors legal framework measures and inspirations
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