为评价乙基纤维素包被VC对SPF级豚鼠繁殖性能的影响,选取SPF级繁育适龄雄性豚鼠24只,雌性豚鼠72只,按性别随机分成对照组、试验组Ⅰ、试验组Ⅱ、试验组Ⅲ,每组24只,其中雄性6只,雌性18只。试验组Ⅰ、试验组Ⅱ、试验组Ⅲ豚鼠饲料中分别添加500、1 000、1 500 mg/kg的乙基纤维素包被VC,对照组饲料中添加1 800 mg/kg的单体VC。使母鼠完成2胎的生产,期间观察母鼠妊娠期情况、有无脱毛、流产情况和生产仔鼠的健康状况,计算各组母鼠受孕率、产仔率、仔鼠出生重、离乳率。结果表明,当乙基纤维素包被VC添加量为500 mg/kg时,可获得与添加单体VC一致的饲养效果;当乙基纤维素包被VC添加量为1 000 mg/kg时,SPF级豚鼠繁育指标达到最优,可满足繁殖状态下SPF级豚鼠对VC的需求;当乙基纤维素包被VC添加量为1 500 mg/kg时,SPF级豚鼠繁育指标并无显著变化。综上提示,饲料中添加乙基纤维素包被VC代替单体VC进行SPF级豚鼠饲养切实可行,且乙基纤维素包被VC最优添加量为1 000 mg/kg。
The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of dietary supplementation of ethylcellulose-coated VC on reproductive performance of SPF guinea pig. A total of 24 male and 72 female SPF guinea pigs of reproductive age were included in this study and were randomly divided into 4 groups based on the gender. There were 24 guinea pigs in each group, including 6males and 18 females. The diet of experimental groupⅠ,Ⅱ, Ⅲ was supplemented with 500, 1 000, 1 500 mg/kg of ethylcellulosecoated VC, respectively, and the diet of control group was supplemented with 1 800 mg/kg of monomer VC. The health status of the pregnant female guinea pigs during gestation period and the new born guinea pigs was observed and recorded in two consecutive pregnancies. The pregnancy rate and farrowing rate of female guinea pigs as well as birth weight and weaning rate of new born guinea pigs in the two separate birth orders were calculated and statistically analyzed. The results revealed that the reproduction performance of female guinea pigs in experimental group Ⅰwas similar with that in control group. The reproductive indexes of female guinea pigs in experimental group Ⅱ reached the optimal level, and 1 000 mg/kg of ethylcellulose-coated VC supplemented in diet could meet the demands of the pregnant female SPF guinea pigs for VC. When the supplementation dosage of ethylcellulose-coated VC increased to 1 500 mg/kg, no significant improvement in reproductive indexes was observed. These results suggest the feasibility of replacing monomer VC with ethylcellulose-coated VC as a source of dietary VC, and the supplementation dosage of 1 000 mg/kg is recommended.
Animal Husbandry and Feed Science