
教师质量评价的新转向与范式变革的前瞻思考 被引量:4

The New Orientation in Teacher's Quality Evaluation and the Prospects in the Future
摘要 近年来,对教师质量评价的立场和主张有了比较显明的四个重要转向:一是教师质量评价的目的观转向,即从"冷冰冰"的监测评估话语到"温馨"的寻求支持话语;二是教师质量评价的价值论转向,从追求"普适理想"的评价模式转向寻求"地方行动"的评价体系;三是教师质量评价的内在性转向,从追求"有效性"的教师质量标准到注重"卓越"精神的教师质量追寻;四是教师质量评价的方法论转向,从只关注"个体"教师的质量评价到关注教师为儿童与学校发展带来什么"增值"的质量评价。 Quality is an important discussion issue in the field of educational studies and practice. When we talked about theteacher training and promotion of teachers" competence, it will always be related with the "quality monitoring'. In recent years, thereare four obvious orientation or transition in the studies on teacher quality evaluation. The first one is the orientation of the goals ofteacher quality evaluation, with the transition from the evaluation system of "cold and rational" quality assessment to the activeinspiration of "warm and irrational" quality backup. The second one is the orientation of the value stand of quality evaluation, that is tosay, there is apparent transition from the paradigm of "to every situation" to the "local action'. The third orientation is the internalinsistence, with the transition from the "effective" standards of teachers to the "good" spirit of teachers. The fourth one is themethodology orientation, with the transition from the "individualized" teacher quality evaluation to the value added measurement.
作者 姜勇 张明红
出处 《教育发展研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期46-52,共7页 Research in Educational Development
基金 2015年度教育部人文社会科学研究规划项目"基于概化理论的教师培训课程标准的研制研究"(15YJA880028)的部分成果
关键词 教师 质量评价 新转向 teacher, quality evaluation, quality monitoring
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