
香港公共交通工具车厢内空气质量调查 被引量:1

Investigation of Air Quality in Public Transportation Systems in Hong Kong
摘要 为了解香港公共交通工具车厢空气质量,于2011年10月对香港公共汽车、小型公共汽车和地铁车厢内的空气质量状况进行了调查。结果发现,3种交通工具车厢内空气中的PM10和细菌平均浓度分别低于180μg/m3和1000 cfu/m^3,均达到良等级。CO2和挥发性有机化合物(VOC)平均浓度数值普遍偏高,存在超标现象。其中空气流通状况最差的是小型公共汽车,其CO_2和VOC平均浓度分别高达5 596.8 mg/m^3和1 108.0μg/m^3,分别为良等级标准上限的2.8和1.8倍。确保良好的通风和对空调车通风系统作定期的清洗和维护对于车厢内空气环境有重要的意义。 The air quality of three main types of public transport(bus, minibus and metro) in Hong Kong was investigated in October 2011. The results showed that the PM10 levels and the total numbers of airborne bacteria in all vehicle compartments were lower than 180 μg/m3 and 1000 cfu/m3 respectively, and both parameters achieved the Good-Class standard. The average concentrations of CO2 and volatile organic compounds(VOC) failed to meet the standard. The concentrations of CO2 and VOC in minibus were the highest ones among the three transportation systems. They reached 5 596.8 mg/m^3 and 1 108.0 μg/m^3, and were 2.8 and 1.8 times higher than the upper limits of the Good-Class standards respectively. These results indicated that good ventilation condition and regular cleaning and maintenance of ventilation system does contribute to the indoor air quality of public transports.
出处 《城市环境与城市生态》 CAS 2016年第2期1-3,共3页 Urban Environment & Urban Ecology
关键词 空气污染 空气质量 交通工具 air pollution air quality public transport
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