
农户非农就业与农地租赁关系及其影响机制研究——基于鲁鄂甘桂四省的农户问卷调查 被引量:1

Empirical Research on Off-farm Employment and Agricultural Land Tenancy——Based on the households survey in four provinces
摘要 非农就业和农地租赁是社会主义新农村建设的两项重大课题,通过回顾与非农就业—农地租赁两者关系相关的国内外文献,并借鉴部分国家特定时期非农就业和农地租赁的发展情况,我们发现非农就业和农地租赁并非单纯的互相促进关系。本文借鉴"农地租赁理论"构建了理论分析框架,并通过基于山东、湖北、甘肃和广西四省的农户问卷调查的微观实证和基于省级面板数据的宏观实证两个层次,探讨了非农就业与农地租赁的关系,以及两者发生影响的机制。得到以下主要结论:外地非农就业与农地租赁有正向关系,外地非农就业促进了农地的租出但对农地租入的影响不显著,本地非农就业抑制农地租赁。非农就业对农地租赁的影响在微观层次是通过家庭资源禀赋发生作用,而宏观层次则是通过中间依赖变量发生作用。 Agricultural land circulation and rural labor transfer are major issues to new socialist countryside construction.Howev-er, the relationship between off-farm employments and agricultural land tenancy is not simply mutual promotes.In order to dis-cuss issues related to the relationship between off-farm employment and agricultural land tenancy, we will refer the 'economictheory of agricultural land tenure' and establish the theoretical framework. The empirical analysis of this dissertation will dividedinto 2 levels, micro level and macro level, the micro level is based on the field survey data from 1305 households in Shandong,Hubei, Gansu and Guangxi provinces, and the macro level depends on provincial panel data. Finally, we come to some conclu-sions: both off-farm employment and agricultural land tenancy are endogenous variables, the impact on agricultural land tenancyby off-farm employment is significantly positive, especially outside off-farm employment promotes agricultural land rent-out. Wediscussed the effects mechanism of agricultural land tenancy by off-farm employment.
作者 袁威
出处 《甘肃行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期105-118,129,共14页 Journal of Gansu Administration Institute
基金 2014年度国家社科基金重大项目(14ZDA035) 四川省党校系统2014年度青年项目(QN2014003) 四川省社会科学"十二五"规划2014年度资助项目(SC14B059) 2015年度全国党校系统重点调研课题
关键词 农地租赁 非农就业 农地流转 劳动力转移 Off-farm employment Agricultural land tenancy Rural surplus labor transfer Agricultural land circulation
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