目的 分析我国中小学生阳光接触时间状况。方法 采用多阶段整群抽样方法,按照地理区域分布选取12个省份的43771名在校学生或家长作为调查对象。使用自编问卷调查学生学习日和周末平均每天阳光接触时间及相关因素,采用χ^2检验分析不同特征群体之间率的差异,利用logistic回归方法分析阳光接触时间≤2 h/d的影响因素。结果 中小学生每天平均阳光接触时间为2.49 h和3.22 h。其中学习日平均阳光接触时间≤2 h/d和〉2 h/d所占比例分别为60.81%(26616/43771)和39.19%(17155/43771);周末期间阳光接触时间≤2 h/d和〉2 h/d所占比例分别为44.05%(19283/43771)和55.95%(24488/43771)。在学习日,不同性别、城乡、居住地区、自评学习成绩、家庭住房类型、上下学交通方式和视屏时间的儿童青少年之间,阳光接触时间差异均有统计学意义;在周末,不同性别、家庭居住地、居住地区、自评学习成绩、家庭住房类型和上下学交通方式的儿童青少年之间,阳光接触时间差异均有统计学意义。logistic回归分析显示,在学习日和周末,小学、女生、城市、居住在中部或西部地区、自评学习成绩好或中等、家庭住房为楼房和视屏时间〉2 h/d是中小学生阳光接触时间较少的危险因素。结论 我国中小学生学习日每天平均阳光接触时间较少,其报告率较高,不同群体间存在的差异有统计学意义。
Objective To investigate the characteristics on the time of sunshine exposure in Chinese primary and middle school students. Methods A total of 43771 primary and middle school students were randomly selected from 12 provinces in China. A self-reported questionnaire was used to understand their time of sunshine exposure on weekdays and weekends as well as related family information and behaviors. χ^2 test was used to compare the hours of sunshine exposure among different groups. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was conducted to identify the influencing factors. Results Results from the current survey indicated that the average time of sunshine exposure on weekdays and weekends were 2.49 and 3.22 hours, respectively. On weekdays, proportions of students with time of sunshine exposure ≤2 h/d or 〉2 h/d were 60.81% and 39.19%, respectively. On weekends, the proportions became 44.05% and 55.95%, respectively. On weekdays, the time of sunshine exposure as ≤2 h/d was significantly different among factors as sex, urban or rural area, residential area, self-rating academic performance, type of housing or ways of commuting to school. On weekends, the time of sunshine exposure ≤2 h/d were significantly different among sex, residential areas, self-rating academic performance, type of housing and ways of commuting to school. Data from the multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that the limited sunshine exposure was significantly associated with factors as:type of primary schools, being girls, students living in the urban area or living in central or western areas, with normal or better academic performances, living in a flat apartment and the time spent on watching video program 〉2 h/d both on weekdays and weekends. Conclusion The time of sunshine exposure seemed not enough among school students and significant differences were seen among different groups.
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology
vTime of sunshine exposure
Influencing factors
Children and adolescents