
基于LabVIEW的磁电系数自动化测试平台搭建 被引量:1

Design of automatic measurement system for magnetoelectric coefficient based on LabVIEW
摘要 磁电耦合系数的测定是进行磁电复合材料研究的前提。在系统介绍磁电耦合测试的基本原理及其实现方法的基础上,利用一个线圈同时产生交流和直流磁场,避免了多个线圈之间的互感,并借助Lab VIEW软件,搭建磁电耦合系数的全自动化测试平台。利用该自动化磁电测试系统,对环氧树脂粘接而成的Metglas/PZT/Metglas磁电复合材料进行测试,测试结果显示,磁电谐振峰与样品阻抗谐振峰测试结果一致,且反复测量结果误差小于1.4%。研究表明,基于Lab VIEW的磁电系数自动化该测试系统误差小、稳定性好。 Magnetoelectric coefficient(αME) measurement is the prodiction of the study on magnetoelectric composite material. In this article, the fundamental of αME measurement and its testing method have been introduced systematically. And an automatic αME measurement system has been realized based on Lab VIEW program. AC and DC magnetic fields are simultaneously produced by one solenoid, which avoids the mutual inductance between solenoids. The αME measurement results of the Metglas/PZT/Metglas magnetoelectric composite adhensived by epoxy resin show that, the resonant frequency of αME is in accordance with the resonant peak of impedance. The deviation of repeating test is less than 1.4 %, revealing high stability and low deviation of this measurement system. It provides reference to build an antomatic αME measurment system, which is meaningful to the study of magnetoelectric composite material.
出处 《磁性材料及器件》 CAS 2016年第2期24-28,共5页 Journal of Magnetic Materials and Devices
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(21465004) 广西民族师范学院人才科研启动项目(2014RCDT002)
关键词 磁电耦合系数 LABVIEW 自动化测试 magnetoelectric coefficient(αME) LabVIEW automatic measurement
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