[Purposes] This paper aims to understand the reason about medical periodicals' experts refusing to reviewarticles,analyze the laws of the occurrence situation,and look for some ways to deal with the difficulties. [Methods] All the data was hand-picked for this job from Chinese Journal of Microbiology and Immunology during the period of 2013 and 2014. A summary of all objects on the data bases were given first,then the statistics were broken down class by class. The reviewhabits and cycles of experts were summarized by using the mathematical and statistical method. [Findings] From the samples,more than 50%reviewing behavior is rejected,and the reason is that they are too busy to do their job,and they are not good at this articles. More than 1 /3 events occur from June to August every year. Nearly half of all experts' personal information such as cell phone numbers and emails are not completed. [Conclusions]It is pervasive in too many medical journals that experts refuse to reviewarticles. We will find a way to make our suggestions politely,and do the best for the medical journals.
Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals
Medical periodical
Outer reviewing expert
Rejection rate