
比较法视野下代孕案件的处理 被引量:28

On the Deal with Surrogacy Case from Comparative Law Perspectives
摘要 代孕既可分为局部代孕和完全代孕,也可分为利他代孕和商业代孕。有的国家完全禁止代孕,有的国家有条件接受代孕。影响代孕合同效力的因素主要有公共政策、合同的商业性、代孕中的血缘关系以及女性身体权等,它们或单独、或共同否定代孕合同的效力。尽管我国法律禁止代孕,但代孕现象却客观存在,我国法院审理代孕案件存在定性模糊、适用法律不当、判决理由不清、以调解方式纵容违法行为等问题。建议我国法院根据当事人的诉求确定案件的性质,以正确适用法律;根据个案实际情况分析"公序良俗"的内容,增强裁判的说服力;调解结案应关注其社会效果。 Surrogacy may be divided into partial and full surrogacy,as well as divided into altruism and commercial surrogacy. Surrogacy is prohibited absolutely in some countries,but conditionally accepted in other countries. Normally,the considerations,such as public policy,the profit purpose of the contract,consanguinity in surrogacy,and bodily right of woman,and the like,invalidate the surrogacy contract. Although surrogacy is prohibited under Chinese law,the surrogacy is the objective existence in China. The problems are the vague qualification,the improper application of law,the insufficient ratio decidendi,and connive at surrogacy through mediation measure,when Chinese courts hear the surrogacy cases. The following suggestions are proposed for Chinese courts:( 1) to qualify the case depending on the allegations of the parties;( 2) to analyze the content of the public policy ipso facto of the individual case; and( 3) to take care the social effects when close a surrogacy case through mediation.
作者 肖永平 张弛
出处 《法学杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期65-73,共9页 Law Science Magazine
关键词 代孕 代孕合同 公共政策 抚养权 surrogacy surrogacy contract public policy custody
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  • 1See Tina Lin, Bomlost : Stateless Children in International Surrogacy Arrangements, Cardozo Journal of International & Comparative Law, Vol. 21, 2013, p545.
  • 2周平.有限开放代孕之法理分析与制度构建[J].甘肃社会科学,2011(3):130-133. 被引量:44
  • 3刘余香.论代孕的合理使用与法律调控[J].时代法学,2011,9(3):65-70. 被引量:37
  • 4许丽琴.代孕生育合理控制与使用的法律规制[J].河北法学,2009,27(7):150-152. 被引量:43
  • 5See Rakhi Ruparelia, Giving Away the "Gift of Life" : Surrogacy and the Canadian Assisted Human Reproduction Act, Canadian Journal of Family Law, Vol. 23, 2007, p. 33.
  • 6董一平.我国代孕立法的阶段性设计[J].法制与社会(旬刊),2011(28):267-267. 被引量:1
  • 7See Craig Dashiell, From Louise Brown to Baby M and Beyond: A Proposed Framework for Understanding Surrogacy, Rutgers Law Review, Vol. 65, 2013, pp. 852 - 890.
  • 8See Michelle Elizabeth Holland, Forbidding Gestational Surrogacy: Impeding the Fundamental Right to Procreate, U. C. Davis Journal of Juvenile Law & Policy,Vol 17, 2013, pp. 6 - 28.
  • 9See Suzanne F. Seavello, Are You My Mother? A Judge' s Decision in In Vitro Fertilization Surrogacy, Hastings Women' s Law Journal, Vol. 3, 1992, pp. 211 -244.
  • 10See Pamela Laufer - Ukeles, Mothering for Money: Regulating Commercial Intimacy, India law journal, Vol. 88, 2013, pp. 1223- 1279.












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