
基于模糊控制器的w2MOF快速标量乘算法 被引量:1

摘要 椭圆曲线密码体制中基点的标量乘是最耗时的一种操作,通过预计算的方式可以有效地提高其效率。借助于更灵活且高效的2MOF表示形式,在此基础上利用滑动窗口技术,结合混合坐标下直接计算2^kQ+P的计算方式,对w2MOF算法进行改进。对于滑动窗口技术下最优窗口宽度的选择,采用预先设计好的模糊控制器做出决策。根据目前常用的两种模糊推理系统,模糊控制器选择了Mamdani模型。实验结果分析,结合模糊控制器与优化的w2MOF算法,平均效率大约提高11.7%,而且比基于wNAF算法的文献[1]中在曲线NIST-B163上,最优窗口w=5下减少了19次点加运算量。 Scalar multiplication of basis points in elliptic curve cryptosystems is one of the most time-consuming operations,but the efficiency can be improved by the way of pre-computation. By means of more flexible and efficient form of 2MOF representation,and using sliding window technology on this basis,we modified the w2MOF algorithm in combination with the computation mode of directly calculating2~kQ + P on mixed coordinates. For the selection of optimal window width using sliding window technology,we used the pre-designed fuzzy controller to make decision. According to commonly used two kinds of fuzzy inference system,the fuzzy controller chose Mamdani model.Analysis of experimental results showed that with the combination of fuzzy controller and optimised w2MOF algorithm,the average efficiency improved about 11. 7%,and compared with the wNAF algorithm-based literature[1 ],on elliptic curve NIST-B163 and under the optimal window w = 5,the amount of point adding operation reduced 19 times.
出处 《计算机应用与软件》 CSCD 2016年第4期325-328,共4页 Computer Applications and Software
关键词 椭圆曲线密码体制 w2MOF 混合坐标 滑动窗口 模糊控制器 Elliptic curve cryptosystem w2MOF Mixed coordinates Sliding window Fuzzy controller
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