
168名无偿献血者献血后血液免疫指标动态观察 被引量:3

Temporal variation of serum immunological indicators after blood donation among 168 blood donors
摘要 目的探讨健康志愿者献血400 m L后血液免疫学指标质量时序变化及恢复情况。方法检测168名适龄健康无偿献血自愿者献血前、献血后即刻、献血后1d、1周、4周和男性12周、女性16周的静脉血相关指标动态变化。结果除了Ig M在献血前后无明显改变外,其他免疫学指标呈现了不同的变化趋势。首先下降的是白细胞计数和补体C3,Ig G在其他指标回升时开始下降。各指标至献血后第4周均恢复到献血前水平,但男性在献血后12周、女性16周Ig A突然出现显著下降,而补体C3却显著上升。结论献血400 m L后免疫学指标呈现交替变化,并有明显的互补效应。 Objective To investigate the temporal variation and recovery of blood immunological indicators after 400 mL blood donations in healthy volunteers. Methods Venous blood specimens of 168 healthy volunteers were collected be- fore blood donation and after blood donation immediately, 1 day, 1 week, 4 weeks, and 12 weeks among men and 16 weeks among women. White blood cell count (WBC), immunogiobulin G (IgG), immunoglobulin M (IgM), immunoglobulin A (IgA), and complement component 3 ( C3 ) were measured to monitor the dynamic changes of these biomarkers and blood quality. Results Except that the level of IgM did not change after blood donation, the levels of all other biomarkers changed in isolation and at different period: WBC and C3 decreased immediately after blood donation, but other markers did not change. IgG started to decrease while other biomarkers were increasing. All biomarkers reached their levels before blood do- nation within 4 weeks. However, IgA significantly decreased at 12 weeks among men and 16 weeks among women, while C3 significantly increased at the same time period. Conclusion IgM maintained at the same level before and after blood dona- tions. Other biomarkers mutually changed over the course of 12 weeks among men and 16 weeks among women.
机构地区 武汉血液中心
出处 《中国输血杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第2期177-179,共3页 Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion
基金 武汉市科委2013年武汉市卫计委科研项目<无偿献血安全间隔期的初步研究>(WG13D06)
关键词 无偿献血 时序变化 血液质量 免疫反应 blood donation temporal variation blood quality immune reaction
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