
具有中国大豆遗传背景的7S与11S多亚基缺失型大豆新品系的创制 被引量:6

Development of a Set of 7S and 11S Multi-Subunit-Deficient Mutants with Chinese Soybean Genetic Background
摘要 利用我国高油大豆品种东农47与日本引进多亚基缺失型育种材料日B,采用回交、三交的育种方法,综合系谱选择,通过SDS-PAGE技术分析亚基组成,在BC1、BC3及三交种F8群体内,选育到(α+11S groupⅡa)-缺失型、(α′+11S groupⅡa)-缺失型、[(α′+α)+11S groupⅡa、Ⅱb]-缺失型、[(α′+α)+11S groupⅡa]-缺失型、[(α′+α)+11S groupⅡb+X1X2]-缺失型、[(α′+α)+11S groupⅡb]-缺失型和(α′+11S groupⅠ、Ⅱa)-缺失型共7种具有中国大豆遗传背景的7S球蛋白α′、α亚基与11S球蛋白groupⅠ(A1aB1b,A2B1a,A1bB2)、groupⅡa(A4A5B3)和groupⅡb(A3B4)不同亚基缺失组合新种质。测定优良品系的综合农艺性状及氨基酸组成、含量,结果表明,与对照相比,各种缺失突变体的各种氨基酸组分含量普遍提高,蛋白总量普遍高于轮回亲本,精氨酸含量特别是游离精氨酸的含量大幅提高。其中亚基组成为(α+11S groupⅡa)-缺失型品系G2-2-3的17种氨基酸含量、氨基酸总量、蛋氨酸含量均显著高于轮回亲本东农47,特别是游离精氨酸含量高出7.27mg/g。以上结果表明,7S与11S多亚基缺失型优良品系在有效去除致敏蛋白的同时,可以提高大豆蛋白氨基酸含量,改善大豆蛋白氨基酸组分配比。各种致敏蛋白缺失型大豆优良新品系的获得,大大丰富了我国蛋白质组分改良育种的种质基础。 By different breeding methods,i.e. backcross,three-way cross combined pedigree selection,a novel set of multi-subunit-deficiency lines was developed by using a multi-subunit-deficiency breeding material Ri B as subunitdeficiency donor parent,and Chinese cultivar Dongnong 47 as a genetic background. By sodium dodecyl sulfatepolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(SDS-PAGE) analysis,seven band-deficiency types characterized by:(α+11S group Ⅱ a)-null,(α′+11S group Ⅱ a)-null,[(α′+α)+11S group Ⅱ a,Ⅱ b]-null,[(α′+α)+11S group Ⅱ a]-null,[(α′+α)+11S group Ⅱ b+X1X2]-null,[(α′+α)+11S group Ⅱ b]-null and(α′+11S group Ⅰ,Ⅱ a)-null were detected. An comprehensive evaluation of the agronomic performance,amino acid composition and amino acid content analysis revealed that,compared with control,all 7 mutant genotypes showed a generally higher content of amino acids composition. Total protein content in these mutant seeds was higher than that of recurrent parent Dongnong 47,and arginine(Arg) content was especially enriched. The content of total amino acids,17 amino acid compositions and sulfer-containing amino acids of novel line G2-2-3,which lacked(α+11S group Ⅱ a)-subunits,were all significantly higher than that of Dongnong 47,and its Arg content was 7.27mg/g higher than Dongnong 47. These results indicate that novel multi-subunit-null lines lacking allergen-subunits appear to contain markedly increased amino acid content and modified storage protein subunit composition. This set of multi-subunit-deficiency variants with Chinese soybean genetic background would be expected to be favorable material for soybean engineering breeding of modifying globulin composition and subunit composition projects.
出处 《作物杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第2期43-49,共7页 Crops
基金 国家自然科学基金(31071440 31371650)
关键词 大豆 贮藏蛋白 中国遗传背景 多亚基缺失型 新种质 Soybean Storage protein Chinese genetic background Multi-subunit-deficient mutants New germplasm
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