
行政学的威尔逊悖论:学科起源正统史论的祛魅与反思 被引量:5

Woodrow Wilson Paradox in Public Administration:Rethinking the Orthodox View of the Origin of the Discipline
摘要 行政学史中存在一个威尔逊悖论,即长期以来学界尊称提出"政治一行政二分"的威尔逊为"行政学之父",但威尔逊本人却在被誉为开山之作的《行政学研究》中将创始人的桂冠授予他人。这一悖论折射出既有的行政学起源史观的建构性特征以及"管理主义"研究路径的"霸权化"。本文尝试揭示既有起源史观遮蔽了的历史事实,并通过还原真实的学科发展进程,以此为学科多元化的研究路径提供反思视角。最后,本文对中国学界对行政学起源问题缺乏足够反思的现象进行了反思。 There is a "Woodrow Wilson paradox" in history of public administration.For decades about Public Administration,as a discipline,is narrated that it originated from America and regarded Wilson as " the father of public administration" because of his proposal of "politics- administration dichotomy".Wilson,however,honors the award as founders to others in his seminal paper.The article tries to demonstrate the constructive logic of the origin of the discipline in the conventional history from references.We argue that existing narration,as a mark of the managerialism and a dominant research approach,covers the true history.Furthermore,the article attempts to provide the reflection for diversified approaches by reconstructing the evolution of Public Administration.At last,Scholars in China don' t pay enough attention to this issue,which indicates the lack of the independence and self- consciousness for die development of the discipline.
作者 李振 鲁宇
出处 《中国行政管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期79-85,共7页 Chinese Public Administration
关键词 威尔逊悖论 正统论 行政学 政治—行政二分 Woodrow Wilson paradox the myth of the origin public administration politics-administration dichotomy
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