
政府绩效管理的推进机制:中美比较的启示 被引量:47

Performance Regimes:A SINO-US Comparison and Lessons for China
摘要 绩效管理推进机制即围绕绩效管理实施作出的权威性制度安排,包括外部主体及其角色、主体间相互关系、推进方式手段等。美国绩效管理推进机制属于立法主导下的多主体协同推进模式,其特色包括规范化、精致化、透明和社会监督。中国绩效管理推进机制呈现多样化实践,共同特点是行政主导和"一把手工程"为代表的人治化色彩。完善中国绩效管理的推进机制需要关注三个问题:绩效管理立法,绩效管理主管部门的选择,绩效管理的协同推进与框架统一。 Performance regime refers to the authentic institutional arrangements to push forward performance management in government.The US model belongs to the category of joined- up efforts among multi- actors under the domination of the legislature.Its main features include institutionalization,refinement,transparency and social supervision.China's related practices show variations between different localities,but all have a common feature of executive domination.Performance management in many cases is a boss- leading endeavor.Reform of the performance regime in China should focus on three issues;performance management legislation,the selection of leading agency,and collaboration among concerning agencies.
出处 《中国行政管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期139-145,共7页 Chinese Public Administration
基金 国家自然科学基金:“整体政府视角下的中国政府跨部门协同机制研究”(批准号71173004) 海南省高等学校科学研究项目“海南省海洋生态环境协同治理机制研究--基于整体治理的视角”(Hnkyzy-201404) 北京大学“国家治理协同创新中心”成果
关键词 绩效管理 推进机制 协同网络 performance management performance regimes collaboration network
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