

Finite Element Modeling for PBGA Components Based on RSM modification
摘要 目的利用特殊设计夹具来模仿PCB板的典型插入式固定方式,通过响应面法对安装有PBGA的菊花链PCB板有限元模型进行修正。方法有限元模型经过三次响应面修正,每一个修正阶段都计算仿真前三阶频率与相对应的模态试验结果相对比,建立两个目标函数,并利用多目标遗传算法来缩小仿真分析与模态试验结果。结果有限元模型得到了有效的改善。结论响应面法可以从实际出发来提升有限元模型准确度。 Objective A specially designed fixture was used to mimic the typical boundary condition of plug-in PCB. A procedure based on response surface method (RSM) was proposed for modifying the finite element (FE) model of plastic ball grid array (PBGA) components mounted on daisy chain PCB. Methods The FE models were updated by RSM in three stages. In each stage, the first three resonant frequencies were calculated and contrasted with corresponding modal test results. Two objective functions were created and the difference between the simulation analysis and modal test results was minimized using a multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA). Results The FE model was effectively improved. Conclusion RSM could be used to improve the accuracy of the FE model in a practical way.
出处 《装备环境工程》 CAS 2016年第2期52-57,共6页 Equipment Environmental Engineering
关键词 PBGA 模态试验 有限元模型 响应面 模型修正 PBGA modal test FE modeling RSM model modification
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