The division of expounds of doctrining and investigation of knowledgeology is an examination of the current Chinese pedagogy research community's own attitude.Doctrining expounds has a strong value proposition. The investigation of knowledgeology mainly refers to a research attitude, the purpose of which is to suppress the subjective expression of expounds of doctrining and to transtbrm the emotional expression into knowledge representation. Expounds of doctrining has serious historical consequences despite of the seeming prosperity and vitality of pedagogic study in China. The main performance for current Chinese pedagogy research shows four dominant discourse paradigms of doctrining expounds ,namely,essentialism, theoreticism, criticism and pragmatism.These four discourse paradigms are not conducive to the effective accumulation of knowledge in pedagogic study because of the lack of a deep knowledge base. Given this, radical expounds of doctrining are more dangerous to the liberal and democratic politic order.So in the 21st century, expounds of doctrining must be thoroughly critiqued and reflected in pedagogic study. The research community should overcome the impetuous emotion when doing their theoretical study. They should also get rid of theUtopiancolor of the Enlightenment in their attitude. Especially in terms of investigation of knowledgeology, researchers need to embrace a methodical, objective attitude and stay committed to accumulating the various expounds of doctrining and transforming them into the more rigorous knowledge genealogy and ideology genealogy of pedagogy.
Education Research Monthly
expounds of doctrining, investigation of knowledgeology, study of pedagogy, discourse paradigm, knowledge genealogy and ideology genealogy