
变压器并串联结构全桥LLC谐振变换器研究 被引量:8

Full-bridge LLC Resonant Converter With Parallel-series Connected Transformers
摘要 提出了一种变压器并串联结构的全桥LLC谐振变换器,两个变压器初级绕组并联,次级绕组串联。该变换器具有良好的软开关特性。相比传统LLC谐振变换器,变压器并串联结构减小了单体变压器初级绕组的电流应力及次级绕组的匝数,有效减小了变压器的单体体积及损耗,且变压器间传输功率自动均衡。重点分析了该变换器的工作原理并推导出其频率增益关系式,分析了变压器间传输功率自动均衡原理,并针对实际中变压器参数的不一致性进行了误差分析。制作的2 kW实验样机验证了该变换器的有效性。 A full-bridge LLC resonant converter with parallel-series connected transformers is proposed.Two transformers are connected with primary windings in parallel and secondary windings in series.The proposed converter achieves soft switching excellently.Compared to conventional LLC resonant converter, the primary side current stress, secondary winding turns,volume and power loss of single transformer are all decreased.The power between two transformers achieves self-balance.The operation characteristics are emphatically analyzed and the frequency-gain expression is derived.The principle of power self-balance is analyzed.Especially, error analysis is done on the parameter inconsistency of two transformers in actual use.The 2 kW experimental prototype verifies the effectiveness of the proposed converter.
出处 《电力电子技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期54-56,共3页 Power Electronics
基金 浙江省公益技术工业研究项目(2015C31121)~~
关键词 变换器 变压器 并串联结构 converter transformers parallel-series connected
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