

Expansion Dynamics in a One-dimensional Hard-core Boson Model with Three-body Interactions
摘要 利用密度矩阵重正化群的方法,研究了具有三体相互作用的一维硬核玻色链的粒子输运.研究表明,在弱相互作用下,系统是弹道输运,其弹道传输速度依赖于系统的粒子数,并且弹道传输速度随三体相互作用增大而减小.另研究了系统处于2/3填充时基态的淬火行为.研究表明系统在无能隙相时,其输运仍然是弹道输运.这一有趣现象可以帮助我们探测系统的量子相变. Using the adaptive time-dependent density matrix renormalization group method, the authors of thispaper numerically investigate the expansion dynamics of bosons in a one-dimensional hard-core boson modelwith three-body interactions. It is found that the bosons expand ballistically with weak interaction. It is alsoshown that the expansion velocity V is dependent on the number of bosons. As a prominent result, the expansionvelocity decreases with the enhancement of three-body interaction. Besides, a further study is made of the dynam-ics of the system, which quenches from the ground state with two-thirds filling, and the results indicate the ex-pansion is also ballistic in the gapless phase regime, which can help us detect the phase transition in the system.
出处 《常熟理工学院学报》 2016年第2期123-124,共2页 Journal of Changshu Institute of Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金"应用重整化群研究强关联系统中的量子纠缠和调控"(11104021)
关键词 输运 玻色子 量子相变 expansion boson quantum phase transition
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