目的:评估左西孟旦与多巴酚丁胺治疗急性心力衰竭的成本-效果,为我省急性心力衰竭患者治疗方案的合理选用提供参考。方法:根据全球SURVIVE临床试验数据,结合目前我省医疗及消费水平,采用成本-效果分析法分别对左西孟旦与多巴酚丁胺治疗急性心力衰竭的成本-效果及结果敏感度进行分析。结果:对于急性心力衰竭患者,短期(5 d)给予左西孟旦治疗的人均总成本为10 490.00元,多巴酚丁胺为6 637.18元。成本-效果分析及敏感度试验结果均表明,我省人均国内生产总值(GDP)<左西孟旦相较于多巴酚丁胺的增量成本-效果比<我省3倍GDP。结论:在我省目前的经济水平下,对于急性心力衰竭患者,采用左西孟旦的治疗方案较传统药物具有成本-效果优势。
OBJECTIVE:To evaluate cost-effectiveness of levosimendan versus dobutamine for acute heart failure,in order to provide reference for rational selection of therapeutic regimen for acute heart failure patients. METHODS:According to SURVIVE clinical trial data,cost-effectiveness analysis was adopted to analyze cost-effectiveness and sensitivity of levosimendan versus dobutamine for acute heart failure,based on medical and consumption level. RESULTS:For acute heart failure patients,total cost per capita of shot-term levosimendan(5 d)was 10 490.00 yuan,and that of dobutamine was 6 637.18 yuan. Cost-effectiveness analysis and sensitivity test indicated that the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of levosimendan to dobutamine was lower than three times over per capita GDP of Hubei province and was higher than per capita GDP. CONCLUSIONS:Levosimendan appears to have cost-effectiveness advantage in the treatment of acute heart failure under the current economic situation of Hubei province in China.
China Pharmacy