
巡回式自动小车存取系统正交仿真分析 被引量:8

Tier captive AVS/RS system retrieval performance analysis based on orthogonal simulation experiment
摘要 为提高巡回式自动小车存取系统的出库效率,采用仿真方法结合正交实验对出库效率的影响因素进行了研究。分析了巡回式自动小车存取系统的出、入库流程,总结了其影响因素;建立了巡回式自动小车存取系统的仿真模型,设计了基于正交实验的仿真流程;对应库容量分别为2 400、1 800和1 200的24种不同的设计场景,采用正交实验法对速度、加速度、货位指派方式等因素进行了仿真分析。实验结果表明,控制因素对所有设计场景都有较大影响,研发自动小车存取系统的控制调度软件可稳定提升自动小车存取系统的性能;速度因素的影响因场景不同而不同,在列数较大的场景中,提升小车最大速度会产生更好的效果;在列数较小的场景中,提升升降机加速度会产生更好的效果。 To promote the retrieval efficiency of Tier Captive Autonomous Vehicle Storage and Retrieval System(TCAVS/RS),the influence factors was researched by using simulation and orthogonal experiment.The storage and retrieval process were analyzed,and the factors that affect retrieval efficiency was summarized.The simulation model for TCAVS/RS was established,and the simulation process based on orthogonal experiment was designed.24 different scenarios corresponded to inventory capacity 1200,1800 and 2400was simulated by using orthogonal approach.Vehicle/lift's speed,acceleration/deceleration and control strategy were selected as the observed factor.The experiment showed that control strategy stably affected the throughput performance in all scenarios,and new control software was developed to promote AVS/RS.The affect of velocity profile was different in different scenarios.In great column number scenarios,the better effectiveness was obtained by increasing maximum speed of vehicle;in small inventory scenarios,the better effectiveness was obtained by increasing acceleration/deceleration of lift.
出处 《计算机集成制造系统》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期754-763,共10页 Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems
基金 国家自然科学基金资助资助项目(71301008)~~
关键词 巡回式 自动小车存取系统 影响因素 出库效率 正交实验 仿真分析 tier captive autonomous vehicle storage and retrieval system influence factor retrieval efficiency orthogonal experiment simulation analysis
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