

Effect of Peptizators on Physicochemical Properties of Granular Catalyst for Preparing QHS-3 Sodium and Calcium Flotation
摘要 以QHS-3钠、钙浮选剂用粉末催化剂、拟薄水铝石以及a-氧化铝为基础,采用挤压成型方式制备成颗粒催化剂,考察了不同胶溶剂及胶溶剂用量对成型后催化剂的抗压强度、物相及孔结构等物化性质的影响.研究表明,四种胶溶剂中硝酸溶胶能力最强,制备的颗粒催化剂微孔数目最多,比表面积最大,抗压强度最高;比表面积随着硝酸浓度的增加呈现先增加后减小的趋势,在浓度为10%时,比表面积最大,颗粒催化剂强度随着硝酸浓度的增加显著提高,浓度达到15%后,其抗压强度趋于稳定;胶溶剂制备颗粒催化剂的过程中没有生成新的物相. Granular catalyst were prepared by extruding based on powdered catalyst for preparing QHS-3sodium and calcium flotation,Quasi-boehmite and a-Alumina.The influence on strength,phase and pore structure of granular catalyst was researched from factors of peptizators and the dosage of peptizators.The results showed that the peptization ability of Nitric acid is the strongest.The granular catalyst prepared by nitric acid has the most number of micropore,the largest specific surface area and the highest intensity.The specific surface area increased and then decreased with the increase of the concentration of nitric acid,the specific surface area was the largest when the concentration was 10%.The strength of the granular catalyst increased with the increase of the concentration of nitric acid,when the concentration reaches 15%,the strength tends to be stable.There was no new phase generation in the process of preparing the granular catalyst with peptizators.
作者 郭会宾
出处 《青海师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2016年第1期34-38,共5页 Journal of Qinghai Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 胶溶剂 颗粒催化剂 强度 比表面积 孔径 peptizator granular catalyst strength specific surface area aperture
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