

The Relation Between Bank President's Dimission,Succession and Bank Performance——Evidence From China's City Commercial Bank
摘要 本文利用2009-2014年30家城市商业银行的高管变更数据,将高管变更事件细分为高管离任事件与高管继任事件,分别研究了银行业绩对高管离任的影响、高管继任事件对银行高管继任后业绩的影响。研究发现银行经营业绩与银行高管离任负相关,即低劣的银行业绩会增加银行高管离任的概率;银行高管继任事件与继任后银行业绩显著负相关,银行高管继任事件会导致银行业绩变差。进一步我们将银行高管继任事件按继任来源划分为内部继任与外部继任,探讨继任高管来源的不同对继任后银行业绩影响的差异,结果表明银行高管为外部继任时的银行业绩要显著低于银行高管为内部继任时的银行业绩。 Based on 30 samples of city commercial bank listed from 2009 to 2014 concerning the data of bank presi-dent turnover, we subdivide bank president's turnover into banker dimission and banker succession, then analyze the im-pact of bank performance on banker dimission and whether banker succession has a good effect on bank performance lat-ter. The result shows that there is a strong negative relation between bank performance and banker dimission. It means thatbad bank performance increases the likelihood of banker dimission. Besides, there is a worse bank performance for bankhaving banker succession than bank having no one. This study goes further to explore the different influence that insidesuccession and outside succession seperately have on bank performance. We find that bank performance is better for in-side succession than outside succession.
作者 王莹莹
出处 《浙江金融》 2016年第2期44-51,共8页 Zhejiang Finance
关键词 银行高管 经营业绩 高管离任 高管继任 Bank president Bank performance Banker dimission Banker succession
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