

Determination method for spherical arc of deployable truss reflectors
摘要 运用最小二乘法与拉格朗日乘子法,确定初始圆弧并进行适当的圆弧修正,实现了构架式可展天线背架球面圆弧的确定方法.根据天线的实际工作需求与结构特点,提出了构架式可展天线背架位置应满足的条件;通过确定初始圆弧和圆弧修正两个步骤,推导了确定圆弧位置的计算公式;基于Matlab数值计算软件,编程实现可展天线背架球面圆弧的确定方法.数值算例表明,采用本文方法可以得到满足实际工作需求的构架式可展开天线背架球面圆弧. To find the spherical arc of truss structures used for large deployable reflectors,the authors proposed a method by using the least square procedure with Lagrange multipliers and curve modification.According to the work requirements and properties of the truss structure,conditions to settle the reflectors were first presented.The calculation formula to determine the arc was then deduced by two steps including determination of initial arc and revision of arc.Based on Matlab programming,the spherical arc of deployable truss reflectors was determined.Furthermore,three reflectors with same diameters were calculated by using this method.The results proved that this method is effective in finding the proper curve to meet requirements.
出处 《空间结构》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期67-72,共6页 Spatial Structures
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51578492)
关键词 可展开天线 背架球面圆弧 最小二乘法 拉格朗日乘子法 deployable reflectors spherical arc of truss structure the least square procedure Lagrange multipliers
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