目的了解重庆市2家电子企业作业人员职业健康状况,及时发现职工健康损害程度,保护职业人群身体健康,为职业病防治工作提供依据。方法 2015年对某微电园区2家电子企业接触职业病危害因素作业工人开展职业健康检查,并对检查结果进行统计分析。结果 2家电子企业407名工人(男性325人,女性82人)中,检出异常者125人,异常率为30.7%。临床检出异常率较高的前3位指标分别是心电图(7.6%)、血常规(6.6%)和血压(5.2%)。疑似慢性苯中毒的检出率为7.9%,高频听力损伤的检出率为4.5%,疑似职业性噪声聋的检出率为1.3%。发生听力损伤检出率较高的工种依次为喷砂工、钳工、冲压工和成型工。结论该市2家电子企业作业人员接触噪声、苯系物引起的职业健康损害问题突出,应重视职工健康状况;同时,企业应加强职业卫生管理工作,采取综合性防护设施保护职工健康,预防职业病的发生。
[Objective] To investigate the occupational health status among employees of two electronic technology enterprises of Chongqing, analyze the health harm degree, protect the health of occupational people and provide the basis for occupational disease prevention.[Methods] In 2015, the occupational health examination was carried out among the workers who were exposed to occupational hazards in the two electronic technology enterprises of a micro electric garden, and the results were analyzed statistically. [Results] 407 workers of two enterprises (325 males and 82 females) received the examination, and 125 had the abnormal results, with the abnormal rate of 30.7%. The top three clinical detection items of highest abnormal rate were electrocardiogram(7.6%), blood routine test(6.6%) and blood pressure(5.2%). The detection rate of suspected chronic benzene poisoning, high frequency hearing loss and suspected noise-induced occupational hearing loss was 7.9%, 4.5% and 1.3%, respectively. The work types which occurred hearing loss frequently were sand-blasting, benchwork, punching and shaping. [Conclusion] The occupational health hazards caused by noise and benzene series among workers in two electronic technology enterprises are serious. It is necessary to pay attention to the health status of workers, strengthen the occupational health management, take comprehensive protective equipment to protect the health of workers, and prevent the occupational diseases.
Occupation and Health
Occupational health examination
Electronic technology enterprise
Occupational health hazard