海南桉树林地受桉树枝瘿姬小蜂(Leptocybe invasa Fisher&La Salle)为害较重,为了有效防治桉树枝瘿姬小蜂,于2014年12月~2015年7月在海南三亚、东方、儋州、临高等地开展了桉树枝瘿姬小蜂寄生性天敌资源的调查。在为期8个月的调查期间,收集到了大量桉树枝瘿姬小蜂及其寄生蜂,并对其生物学进行了观察。其中一种寄生蜂,孟氏胯姬小蜂(Quadrastichus mendeli Kim&La Salle),为国内首次报道,确定为中国新纪录种。本研究对孟氏胯姬小蜂进行了描述,同时对其生物学进行了补充。
The invasive eucalyptus gall wasp, Leptocybe invasa Fisher La Salle(Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) has been established in Hainan Island of China for several years, which has caused serious damages to eucalyptus trees in many places. To prevent eucalyptus trees from seriously damaging by L. invasa and well know its parasitoid species, we launched a survey on its resource of parasitoids from December 2014 through July 2015 Iin many places of Hainan Province, China, such as San Ya, Dong Fang, Dan Zhou, Lin Gao. During the survey of total eight months, we collected many individuals of L. invasa and its parasitoids, meanwhile we also designed an experiment to observe their both biology. One of parasitoids, Quadrastichus mendeli Kim La Salle, is newly recorded from China. In this text, we gave a summary on the diagnostic characters of Q. mendeli based on its original descriptions and the specimens that were collected from Hainan Island during the period of survey.Additionally, we also added some biology information for this species.
Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops