
嗜碱粒细胞在支气管哮喘发病机制中的研究进展 被引量:2

Research progress of basophils in the pathogenesis of bronchial asthma
摘要 嗜碱粒细胞(basophil,BA)占外周血中有核细胞的比率不到1%,但其几乎存在于所有的脊椎动物中,进化上高度保守。既往,由于研究手段的限制,BA的重要生物学功能一直未得到重视。但近年随着BA表面标记的进一步确认、BA特异性封闭抗体的产生以及体内特异性BA剔除小鼠等生物技术手段的发展,BA的神秘面纱逐渐被揭开。新近研究结果显示BA在固有免疫以及适应性免疫中均发挥重要调控作用。多项研究显示BA是体内分泌初始IL-4的重要亚群,在调控Th1/Th2免疫失衡中具有重要作用,此外,BA具有强大的抗原提呈作用。可有力诱导Th0向Th2分化发育。目前认为Th1/Th2免疫失衡是支气管哮喘的主要发病机制之一,本文综述BA在其发病中的免疫调节作用。 Basophils (BA) are the rarest leukocytes and represent less Than 1% of peripheral blood leukocytes. BA exist in almost all vertebrate. So, they are evolutionarily conserved. In The past few years, due to the limitation of research methods, the biological function of BA has not been attached great importance. But in recent years, with the development of biological techniques, such as specific blocking antibodies and gene knockout mouse, the mysterious veil of basophils is gradually being unraveled. Recent studies show That BA play important roles in innate immunity and adaptive immunity. Many studies have shown That BA is one of the important subsets of source initial IL-4 secretion in vivo. It plays an important role in the regulation of Th1/Th2 and making immune imbalance. In addition, BA has potent antigen presenting capacity, it induced to NMve Th0 differentiation of Th2. One of The main mechanisms of pathogenesis of bronchial asthma is immune Th1/Th 2 bias. This paper will review the effects of BA in bronchial asthma immune regulatory.
出处 《国际呼吸杂志》 2016年第7期540-543,共4页 International Journal of Respiration
基金 国家自然科学基金(81200018)
关键词 嗜碱粒细胞 哮喘 免疫调控 T细胞 Basophil Asthma Immune regulation T cell
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